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all_gift_exchange:after_ge [2024/11/06 04:49] – created ammitall_gift_exchange:after_ge [2024/11/06 04:49] (current) – [What are Auditors looking for] ammit
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   * Your past performance here counts. If you have always been a lavish gifter you are more likely to be moved up than someone who has always been less so. It’s nothing personal but they want to see proof that you are going to be a good addition to level 3.    * Your past performance here counts. If you have always been a lavish gifter you are more likely to be moved up than someone who has always been less so. It’s nothing personal but they want to see proof that you are going to be a good addition to level 3. 
   * Level 3 should be an overwhelmingly positive experience and if you can’t handle conflict in a cool-headed way level 3 is not for you. If you want advice on how to qualify for level 3 you are always welcome to ask, but making a bunch of drama over not getting moved up, or worse attacking other members over the exchange will get you blacklisted from level 3.    * Level 3 should be an overwhelmingly positive experience and if you can’t handle conflict in a cool-headed way level 3 is not for you. If you want advice on how to qualify for level 3 you are always welcome to ask, but making a bunch of drama over not getting moved up, or worse attacking other members over the exchange will get you blacklisted from level 3. 
-  * + 
 //Something that is important to note: The auditors have notes for every single time you participate, and every time counts. If you were kind of a low-effort participant for 3 exchanges in a row you have more to prove and a harder time moving up than a person who was a super generous gifter every time. //Something that is important to note: The auditors have notes for every single time you participate, and every time counts. If you were kind of a low-effort participant for 3 exchanges in a row you have more to prove and a harder time moving up than a person who was a super generous gifter every time.
 // //
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